Cynthia Owens was born in Abilene Texas spent most of her life in Houston and attended University of Houston majoring in psychology. Had a dream to go to Law School and audited Federal Jurisdiction at U of H and was smitten by the legal bug. Has now almost recovered. Legal education was local at South Texas College of Law; receiving the Order of the Barristers due to the many mock trials & moot court competitions she coordination with the Student Advocacy Board 7 to 8 intramural & 1 national competition for students and judges under Dean T. Gerald Treece at his first year 1979. Also worked as Library clerk, and briefing clerk for Vinson & Elkins. Graduated in 1982 during recession with only a quarter to put in the electronic typewriter at U of H and glad I’m not in that position now.
Private practice ever since and mainly does medium size trucking companies from tickets to hearings with Texas Motor Vehicles. 2011 Municipal Justice Bar Association of Texas- President; 2003 Harris County Municipal Justice Bar Association- President 2003, Pres elect 2002; Secretary 2001 and currently on the board and participate in organizing CLE for seminars. Given Lecturers: Topic: Driver’s License Suspension Hearings; Harris County Class ‘C’ Misdemeanors: Luncheon: Topic: Ethics Opinion 599 Pleading out cases on Attorney Bail Bonds: City of Houston ; Indigent program DPS & Courts; Motion to Sever in multiple Cases; In Lecturer: MJBAT Topic: Unmasking the Masking Doctrine.
Most notable and remembered by a few was a negotiator in May 3, 1997 – Republic of Texas Standoff with Texas Rangers in Ft Davis Texas where all but one person peacefully surrendered.
Previous Memberships in Organizations that make life worth living have been. Part time employment for 10 years as a supernumerary with Houston Grand Opera performing in Aida & Turandot twice, Elektra, Faust, and Mefistofele.
Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network, Volunteer, fund raiser and first responders’ team for stranded dolphins and whales 1998- 1999. Board of Directors - eventually VP: Westheimer Art Colony Association 1982- 1995 a charity that put on the Westheimer Art Festival and two Indian Art Festivals. This organization donated seed money to Hearing Dogs of Texas and made donations to many local area nonprofits associations including the Montrose Clinic.